Bullfighting Unit: Day 4 – El Traje de Luces & ThingLinks

On our fourth day of our bullfighting unit I had found some TERRIFIC websites that I wanted students to explore.  While students  felt like they were learning about bullfighting the activities felt disjointed with other previous lesson to me.  Despite all this, I’ll still share them with you and you can alter them to fit your needs.

Day 4: El Traje de Luces & ThingLinks.  Here was the lesson plan: 

– Students completed this El Traje de Luces worksheet.  Students used this website to find the information on the worksheet.  I was originally inspired by this Pinterest pin but thought there wasn’t enough info on it.  (However, I’m considering using it for review tomorrow!)

– Students then gained some general knowledge about bullfighting by completing these Bullfighting ThingLinkNotes.  Students viewed the Plaza de Toros ThingLink  and La Corrida de Toros ThingLink.  Both ThingLinks were created by a teacher named Nicole Roberts.  If you know her (or are her!) I’d love to connect!  She also created a Corrida de Toros Blubbr and Ted-Ed for El Cuento de Ferdinando.

So what would I do differently for these two assignments?

1. I would have done the El Traje de Luces assignment with the other “torero” assignments and before beginning any of the Cuento de Ferdinando activities.

2. I contemplated having students read the article and then draw the suit.  I’m still considering this for a review activity tomorrow.

3. In an ideal world I wouldn’t do the two internet assignments in one day.  I’m not quite sure I’d want stations, but I would prefer to chunk it up.

4. I absolutely loved Nicole Robert’s ThingLinks, but I would make my own.  Some links didn’t work due to school regulations and I would have preferred to have 1 ThingLink for students to reference instead of 2.

Thanks for reading! 

Here’s my disclaimer in here:  I am not a bullfighting expert! While creating this unit I am applying what I learned during my time abroad in Spain as well as learning along with my students.  If you notice an error in any of these works, please contact me so I can correct it! 

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