Smash Doodles: handout, student examples, & rubric

Smash Doodles: handout, student examples, & rubric | Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

Smash Doodles: handout, student examples, & rubric | Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at | Inspired by Martina Bex at

I first read about Smash Doodles on Martina Bex’s website.  More or less, a Smash Doodle is a scrapbook that meshes images and text.  I sort of forgot about the idea until Martina posted some examples that another teacher, Elizabeth Hoving, for Vida y Muerte last month.  Martina shared that Elizabeth had her students create a Smash Doodle for each chapter and her students had to turn it into a book.  The idea stuck with me and when I began Vida y Muerte last week I knew that I wanted my students to also complete a Smash Book; however, I really wanted more logistics on the project.  I’m sharing what I whipped up in hopes that it will help someone in the future.

For my Smash Doodle assignment, students have to create a Smash Doodle page for each chapter.  Students need to include the title, five vocabulary words, three sentences pulled from the book that best summarize it, and two reactions using recycled phrases from our La sostenibilidad unit.  Students use the white cardstock from my room and store their completed chapters in a manila folder in my room when not in use.  We will then put them all together and I will encourage my students to consider keeping this as something they might show off for their senior exit portfolios when they graduate.

Here is the handout my students received.  Students received a digital copy only in an attempt to save some trees, and at the time the digital handout only had the very first page that you will see and a much, much, simpler rubric.  After collecting Chapters 1 + 2 (we read them together), I’ve seen mixed results and revamped the document.  Students needed some examples to refer to and others needed a simpler version of the project description.  I’ve since made a simpler handout (now page 2 of the handout) to print in my room for students to refer to (make sure to note the student friendly memes I created to help students with their reflection statements), a better rubric (now page 3 of the handout) which will also be posted next to the simpler handout, and I added some examples of Chapters 1 + 2 that I had received (pages 4-6 of the handout).  I’ve made colored copies of the best one from each chapter and will be hanging them up in the room in order as we continue reading.  I’d like to turn it into a contest, but haven’t decided on what the prize might be.  Suggestions on what students should win are welcomed! 🙂

I’d also love to see rubrics from other teachers who have assigned something similar!

27 thoughts on “Smash Doodles: handout, student examples, & rubric

  1. I love, love, love this! I am going to do my best to incorporate this FANTASTIC activity into a novel I teach next year. Thank you to you and Martina Bex for sharing your brilliance with us.

    • It really is a great idea, isn’t it? I’m so grateful that Martina continues to share even though she’s not currently teaching. Make sure to let her know how it goes, and share any suggestions for improvement with me 🙂

  2. Pingback: Brillante Viernes: March 25, 2016 | Maris Hawkins

  3. I love it! Thanks for sharing. The only thing I would add to my rubric is a self evaluation column so students can reflect on their own work. I do this for many of my rubrics and students get to see what they missed before I grade them.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing! I was just reading another blog post about this but didn´t quite understand it all. Your explanation made it seem easy to do!! Mil gracias!

  5. Pingback: Vida y Muerte Chapters 1-5 – Que Será Será

  6. I also love this idea. Do you know the average time it took a student to complete a page (chapter)? I do not give my students that much homework, but I also do not want to give up too much class time to complete their pages. I am just wondering how to fit it in. Keep the blog rolling. I love it! Thanks for your ideas!

  7. Pingback: Reading Novels in a Comprehensible Input Classroom – My CI Journey

  8. I love this idea. My students were reading a novel during the summer, and I am trying to design an activity to go over the novel that is totally student driven. I was thinking to assign one chapter per group and have the group to create a smash doodle. However, I am not sure if this assignment can be done by a group or it’s more an individual activity. What do you think? Any suggestions?

    • I think the activity as I have it described here is best done individually, BUT I think you could tweak it so that it could be a group assignment. Perhaps each kids in the group is assigned a chapter to create a smash doodle as I’ve described, but you create a mini-assignment for those who do NOT create a smash doodle for that chapter (maybe they have to write 3 different sentences using each of the important vocabulary the smash doodler picked out, find the sentence before/after that the smash doodler chose to illustrate, etc.). Hope that gets some creative juices flowing for you!

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  15. this is amazing – thank you so much for sharing!
    I do have a questions- I looks like Martina Bex has added to her original blog post that a smashdoodle per chapter might be too much. I am not sure if your examples were from one or more books. Have you found that one per chapter is something students can accomplish? I am looking to assign this as an END of book assignment, so there is not really a need to do EVERY chapter. Thoughts?

    • I did this with my students as an end of book assignment. They worked individually and it took them about 3 days, with about 30 minutes of class time each day to work on this project. The slower workers took it home to finish over the weekend. They really got into it and the results are beautiful.

  16. Pingback: 5 End Of the School Year Activities to Finish Strong, even Behind The Screen - Growing with Proficiency

  17. otra pregunta – MUST all kids draw or have you allowed students to create digital smashdoodles? (just anticipating questions especially in this very digital year)

    • At the time, I made them all draw but they could use images as a template off a Google search. Now, in pandemic survival times I would allow a digital version because I’m trying to be as paper free as possible.

  18. I see that this posted originally in 2016. Just curious – are you still using this project – smashdoodles (not necessarily with the same book).

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