La canción de la semana: Bailando por Enrique Iglesias

La canción de la semana: Bailando por Enrique Iglesias | Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at

La canción de la semana: Bailando por Enrique Iglesias | Shared by Elizabeth Dentlinger at

One of the ways I am trying to improve my Spanish 2 course is to infuse it with music.  The primary Spanish 1 teacher has a long list of songs that my students would repeatedly ask for during work time, and my predecessor was a music aficionada from what I’ve heard… so I figured this must be one of the magical ingredients I was missing last semester.  I began last week with La Lista by Aldrey.  After falling in love with Alvaro Soler’s El mismo sol, I was crushed when I realized the kids had already learned it last year!  So this week I settled for get to enjoy Bailando by Enrique Iglesias.  Here is the Enrique Iglesias presentation that we used Monday and here is the Bailando packet of activities we’re working on.  I had fun looking for new activities to use with this song!  The first activity is word cloud of lyrics in the shape of dancers, the second is a traditional cloze listening for cognates, the third asks students to match the cognate to a definition or synonym, and the fourth asks students to choose which (translated) lyric happens first in the song.  There are also two different versions of an IPA – Interpretive Assessment because this was the only way I could justify spending so much time on a song!  I’m still working on getting better at my interpretive IPA assessments so if you have suggestions please let me know!

4 thoughts on “La canción de la semana: Bailando por Enrique Iglesias

  1. Pingback: Brillante Viernes: February 3, 2017 | Maris Hawkins

  2. Pingback: Spanish 2 Week 3 Plans | La Clase de la Señora Dentlinger

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